We had planned on going to the lake with the family for the 4th and even though Hudson was still recovering from being sick we decided to head on out. We decided he could be at home recovering with just the two of us, or he could be at the cabin with more helping hands and that idea definitely won out! :) He was better on Friday, but was really back to himself on Saturday which was great! Nana let all of us go out and enjoy the lake while she stayed with Hudson for the morning and during his nap and then we would get them in the afternoon for some fun. It was perfect!
Saturday night we decided to shoot off a few small fireworks in front of the cabin for Hudson to see since he couldn't stay up late enough to see the big show that the lake puts on. It took me right back to being a kid...we did the same thing every 4th growing up.
This was his face when the fireworks went off...fireworks that didn't have sound that is.
This is the face when a firework went off that had a loud boom. He didn't care for it one bit! We didn't do anymore of these...poor baby.
Such a fun weekend...I love that Hudson will have a lot of the same memories that I have from growing up!!
So glad you got to go and have some fun at the lake! Looks like it was a great time!
Sounds like the 4th was a blast!! PS: I love your swimsuit!!!
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