Sunday, October 25, 2009

Forget the pumpkins!

This Saturday since Daddy is out of town, Noni and I decided to take Hudson to the Arboretum for some more pumpkin fun. I guess Hudson has had it with all of the pumpkins he has seen lately because he was completely obsessed with picking up pecans. The child literally had a stack of them and carried them all over the Arboretum. We even had to ask if it was OK to take some home because we couldn't pry them out of his little hands! Let the pecan picking begin...
Pumpkins? What pumpkins?

Noni and Hudson...yes, his hands are full of pecans!
Is it just me, or do you love this part of the Arboretum? I think it is so pretty, even when there aren't any leaves on these trees.
We decided to grab a bite to eat after our pecan adventure and I just had to snap these pictures. I think this is the first time that Hudson has actually "dug in" to a dessert. He was one happy boy!



Aurora said...

looks like you all had fun! I love that path with all the trees...and lined with pumpkins in the fall, so pretty!

The Kilgore Corral said...

So funny! Good thing the acorn nazi wasn't there after our pumpkin lady experience!! :)