Tuesday, December 18, 2012

First lost tooth!!!

Monday, December 3rd Hudson told me his tooth felt wiggly.  I couldn't believe it...I didn't think he was old enough to have his first loose tooth.  So, I called his dentist and the sweet hygienist told me that children lose their bottom two teeth first normally between the ages of 5 1/2-6 and then their top teeth between the ages of 6 - 6 1/2 and that it was completely normal to lose them a little earlier than that.  Hudson was beyond excited and wiggled and jiggled it for a week and a half!
 Friday, the 14th, we were at lunch at Flying Fish with Daddy for his birthday and Hudson bit into a chicken strip and said, "yuck, mommy look!" and dropped his tooth in my hand.  He didn't realize what had happened and thought it was something in his chicken.  When I told him it was his tooth he had the biggest smile ever and just kept saying he couldn't believe it had fallen out.  It was really cute.  Here he is after lunch flashing me his toothless smile.  :)

 That night he took extra care putting it in his monster tooth pillow before heading to bed.
 The next morning he was surprised to find a dollar and a receipt from the tooth fairy.  She checked the box saying that his tooth was in excellent condition!
I'm not sure why, but this event really made me realize just how fast he is growing up.  It definitely makes me want to stop time.  :(

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