Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Thanksgiving Surprise!

The weekend after Thanksgiving we headed to Oklahoma to Paw-Paw and Nana's house. We arrived early and right after we ate lunch, they had a surprise for Hudson...

Yes, they got him his very own 4-wheeler to ride at their house. It took all of about 1 second for him to FALL. IN. LOVE. with it!! After a quick riding lesson with Paw-Paw, he was off.

Can you say pure joy??

The last morning we were there, Paw-Paw was reading the paper and Hudson promptly hopped up right next to him and told me he needed the paper to read too. :)

LOVE it!! Two peas in a pod!

1 comment:

Trina said...

I love it!! I love him reading the paper! Great modeling brings great reading!