Monday, March 22, 2010

Two Cute Stories

I have been meaning to write down two recent stories of Hudson before I forget them because one is precious and one cracks me up. The pictures have nothing to do with the stories, but I thought I would include them because they make me laugh too...for some reason Hudson has been LOVING getting under chairs lately?!? OK, so on with the stories...
Story # 1: Two weekends ago when we were in Oklahoma for my sister's couple shower I was about to leave and bent down to give Hudson a hug. (I had on a strapless dress...very important to this story!) Hudson wrapped his arms around me to say bye and jumped back, looking very alarmed and said, "Mommy, you don't have on any clothes!" It was PRICELESS!
Story #2: Hudson often wakes up and starts talking and singing to his "friends" (AKA: stuffed animals that sleep with him every night). It is often quite cute and I sometimes sit and listen for a few minutes before going in. Well, this Saturday Kelly and I woke up to Hudson singing. We both started smiling when we heard him singing Happy Birthday to Ralphie. Ralphie is a little stuffed dog that he now takes everywhere. We went in and he proudly announced that it was Ralphie's birthday. How cute is that? Mommy and Daddy were then instructed to sing to Ralphie and he even got to sit at the kitchen table for breakfast. I just LOVE his imagination!!

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