I really don't know where the time has gone, but Hudson was officially 3 1/2 this past Sunday. He was so excited to be able to tell people the 1/2 part too...so cute! I told him I wanted to take his picture since he was now 3 1/2 and we decided to take some pictures of his "faces" he makes. It was hilarious! Excuse the after nap hair. :)
First up, happy face. Here are a few things that make him happy: blackberries, play-doh, painting, ice cream, pizza, playing board games, cutting with scissors, raspberries, Cheerios with a sliced banana, bacon, doing things BY HIMSELF, bath paints, stickers, being outside, snow, gymnastics, Miss Amanda (his gymnastics teacher), Jamie (his babysitter), his family that spoils him so, all of his friends, Amazing Jakes, bounce houses, Curious George, Mickey Mouse, hide and seek, and the list goes on...
We see this face when: things aren't done the way he thinks they should be, when he can't do something BY HIMSELF, when he is in time out. There are probably more times, but we won't focus on that one. HA!
I'm thinking face. He actually does this a lot and it cracks me up every time. This face is normally followed by the statement, "I have an idea!" I also get this face when I ask him if he is going to eat the vegetables on his plate. He normally tells us he will eat them when he gets big, or he will take the smallest bite you have every seen in your life!
This is his little stinker face. Need I say more? He wears this face MOST of the day, EVERY day!
Happy 3 1/2 Hudson...I love you more than words could ever say...you are the absolute light of my life!