Friday, September 26, 2008

Cabinet Fun

One of Hudson's favorite things to do lately is play in "his" cabinet in the kitchen. He loves everything in it, but mostly loves taking everything out. He is so fun to watch...even though he does this daily, when he opens the cabinet he gets a look on his face that would make you think it is the first time he has seen all of the fun tupperware.
The colanders are always a big hit.
Moving in to get a better look.

Trying to figure out why these cabinets won't open for him. He makes sure to try them out every day just in case the locks have been removed.

This makes me laugh...he always pulls out this cup and "takes a drink" from it. :)


Holly said...

This is so great! Lydia does the same thing - we keep all of the water bottles in the same cabinets and she unloads them daily. She also has a cup like Hudson's. She's figured out that it makes an echo sound when she babbles in it. Hudson is so cute!!!

The Kilgore Corral said...

I love it! I can't believe how TALL he looks trying to open the locked cabinets. They grow SO fast!

Cassidy said...

That was always my favorite time of day, when she was in her pj's and playing along side me while I did the dishes.

Aday Family said...

What a cute story! I can't wait for Ella to be able to have a cupboard! He is getting so big! Can't wait to see you again!

Grow with Griffin said...

I love the pictures in the cabinet! Now I can actually 'see' it!! Too cute! Griffin has a pair of pj's almost just like those! They are my favorite!!